Distance Selling Agreement


This sales contract is a sales contract prepared digitally between obuolive.com and users.

The main subject of the distance sales contract is the Law on the Protection of Consumers No. 4077 regarding the sale and delivery of the product that the seller sells to the buyer, the qualities and sales price of which are specified below; It covers the rights and obligations of the parties in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation on Distance Contracts Implementation Principles and Procedures.

ARTICLE.1: In the following sections of the distance sales contract, obuolive.com will be referred to as the seller.

ARTICLE.2: Those who create membership and make purchases by logging into obuolive.comwill be defined as buyers from now on. are.

ARTICLE.3: The seller has the right to change the product information, brands, type, model, color, sales price and payment method on the site in any way he wishes.

ARTICLE.5: General provisions regarding the distance sales contract are clearly stated below.


Buyers have declared that they have confirmed electronically the basic qualifications mentioned in the contract in article 4 above.

For the product purchased on obuolive.com, provided that it does not exceed the legal delivery period of 10 days. Depending on the length of the recipient's address, the product is delivered to the person or organization at the address within the specified period.

If the product to be purchased is to be delivered to someone other than the buyer, the SELLER is not responsible in any way if the recipient does not accept the delivery.

The SELLER is responsible for delivering the purchased product intact, complete and as specified in the order, and by including the user manual along with the warranty certificate.

The buyer must know that he/she has approved this contract electronically for the delivery of the product he/she will purchase. Therefore, the sales price must be paid in advance by the specified payment method. If the price of the product is not paid for any reason or the price of the product does not reach the SELLER due to a problem in the bank records, the seller is not responsible for the delivery of the product.

If the product is delivered and the product price is not paid, which may occur in any way after the buyer's credit card is used illegally by people who are not authorized to use it due to reasons due to the buyer's fault. The buyer must pay the price of the product to the seller within 3 business days as specified in the sales contract. In case of such a problem, the shipping and shipping cost of the product belongs to the buyer.

The seller is obliged to inform the buyer about the delay in the delivery of the product due to any reason, weather conditions or transportation obstruction. If such a situation occurs, the buyer may request to cancel, replace or postpone the product. The choice here is left to the individual will of the buyer.

If the product sent is defective, broken or outside the warranty conditions, the product can be sent back to the seller by requesting repair or replacement. Here, the return shipping period must be made within 7 days. In this case, transportation costs will be covered by the seller. If the buyer does not deliver the product within the specified period of 7 days, he must take the product to the relevant service himself and at this point the warranty conditions will be initiated.

After the above-mentioned distance sales contract is approved electronically, membership will be made and service validity will be initiated. If this agreement is not approved, the membership application will not be accepted.

ARTICLE. 6: The buyer has the right to withdraw by sending the product again within the specified 7-day period. In order for the right of withdrawal to commence, the seller must be notified by fax or e-mail within 7 days.

ARTICLE.7: Consumer courts have jurisdiction in possible disputes regarding product purchase.

ARTICLE.8: Consumers have signed and dated the goods subject to sale in their own handwriting under a copy of the contract.


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